Busy times in our office and workplace!

Busy times at our workplace and office!

We are currently in the final week of assembly: this is the phase when everything comes together and we get the boat ready for testing in the water. It is a very challenging, tiring, but also rewarding moment for our team!

Let’s go through the main highlights of this very intense week. On Monday, we laminated on our watertight deck, so we could glue it on the hull on Tuesday. The glue had to dry for one entire day, so on Thursday we could post-process the deck to make it smooth and ready to be wrapped today. The wrapping will be finished by the end of the day: we are all so looking forward to seeing our boat in her beautiful (and watertight) “dress” finally!

In the meantime, we also worked very hard on the other parts of the boat. The rear strut has been CNC milled and anodized, so we could therefore align the driveline and assemble the steering components.

The electronics department is also working very hard to test all the electronic components. The next step is to assemble everything in the watertight boxes which will be the “brain” of our boat. This part is essential for the functioning of the entire boat, so we are putting in crazy hours and effort to ensure the reliability of the systems and therefore optimize our wet testing experience next week.

To make sure our pilots will be able to smoothly control the boat, the steer PCB is being tested with the other subsystems, and it is so nice to see how they communicate together! This weekend, the whole team will continue working on finishing the assembly.

As we always say in Solar Boat, the more you put into it, the more you get out. And we are indeed getting out an incredible amount of motivation and enthusiasm seeing our beauty coming together. But the best is yet to come, stay tuned for the next updates and we’ll see you in the water very soon!

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